Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Todays Notes

Five Color Silverbeet (8) and Dwarf Siberian Kale (8) by seed today. I tried to grow these indoors for transplant but too little light caused leggy seedlings.

Carnetan Leeks (28) and Texas Early Grand Onion (28) from seed today did not start enough seeds indoors.

Seeded the following as well:
  1. Honey Rock Melons (2)
  2. Country Gentleman Sweet Corn (4)
  3. Siam Queen Thai Basil (4)
  4. Chives (16)

Planted out Transplants of :
  1. Vegetable Spagehetti Squash (1)
  2. Table Gold Acorn Squash (1)
  3. Romanesco Italia  Broccoli Started Late (3)
  4. Lemon Cuke (2)
  5. Boston Pickling Cuke (2)
  6. New England Sugar Pie Squash (1)
  7. Butternut Waltham Squash (1)
  8. Quadrato d'Asti Giallo Pepper (2)
  9. Purple Beauty Pepper (1)
  10. Black Hungarian Pepper (1)
  11. Oregano Vulgare(2)
  12. Sugarbaby Watermelon (2)
  13. Carentan Leeks (4)
  14. Texas Early Grand Onions (4)

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