Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Aphids attack

Discovered aphids today on the broccoli and small greens specifically the spinach so far. Have also been fighting imported cabbageworm butterflies. I have been combing the plants for the eggs they lay will treat with BT tomorrow. Bought lady bugs to release tonight.

Set up potato bags today. I mixed
• one bag Hu Max
• One bag compost
• 1/4 bag expanded shale
• 3 scoops green sand
• 1/2 scoop molasses
• 1 tsp per potato north haven garden fertilizer

Planted 7 potatoes per bag French fingerling and blue

Planted 5 potatoes per bag Yukon
Worried about Yukon since did not get 2-3 eyes per potato

Planted following seeds
1. Squash straightneck
2. Vegetable spaghetti
3. New england sugar pie
4. Zucchini rampicante
5. Butternut Waltham
6. Watermelon sugar baby
7. Honey rock melon (last seeds did not sprout)
8. Sweet corn country gentleman
9. Boston pickling
10. Lemon cucumber
11. Okra
12. Yellow wonder strawberries

I think I had problems with damping off on many of the seedlings that fell over and had weak stems especially cukes, watermelon, and some squash.

Tomatoes are having problems with the leaves turning yellow and drying out. I need to research this problem.

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